Municipal Ombudsman


The Dutch childcare benefits scandal (Dutch: kinderopvangtoeslagaffaire or toeslagenaffaire) is a political scandal in the Netherlands concerning false allegations of fraud made by the Tax and Customs Administration while attempting to regulate the distribution of childcare benefits. Most of the wrongly accused have a bicultural background. In 2022 the Dutch government recognized that the scandal was caused by institutional racism.

Independent of the national governemt, the municipality of Rotterdam tries to help the Rotterdam victims of the childcare benefits scandal as much as possible. The Municipal Ombudsman, as an independent party, was asked to support this effort. For this purpose, the Municipal Ombudsman set up  the 'Hulpteam Toeslagen 010'. Since the start in January 2021, approximately 500 victims had reported themselves through this help team. The municipal Ombudsman had expected this to be more.

Of course it may be possible that all the victims are already sufficiently known by the municipality of Rotterdam. After all, based on data from the municipal Tax Administration, the municipality had directly approached several thousand potentially victimized people. Still, it was suspected that many people had not yet reported themselves.

Hence, it was decided to have an end-of-year offensive in 2021. By creating maximum visibility, an attempt was made to reach out to anyone who has not yet come forward but may need help. To this end, TransCity and Dreamers Inc. developed a campaign that consisted of the following:

  • Four weeks of radio spots on FunX Rotterdam, Amor FM and Radio Stanvaste.
  • Two weeks out of home advertising (tram shelters and billboards) in super diverse city neighborhoods.
  • Social media campaigns on Meta (Facebook/Instagram) and YouTube.
  • Advertorial in the AD Rotterdam online news platform.
  • Banner, video and editorial on the Turkish language website Sonhaber.
  • Dutch, Turkish, English and Spanish language flyers and posters distributed through stores and markets.  
  • Three free walk-in Saturdays for free advice in a venue in South Rotterdam.

Want to learn more?

Call us on +31 10 843 08 40.

The Dutch childcare benefits scandal (Dutch: kinderopvangtoeslagaffaire or toeslagenaffaire) is a political scandal in the Netherlands concerning false allegations of fraud made by the Tax and Customs Administration while attempting to regulate the distribution of childcare benefits. Most of the wrongly accused have a bicultural background. In 2022 the Dutch government recognized that the scandal was caused by institutional racism.

Independent of the national governemt, the municipality of Rotterdam tries to help the Rotterdam victims of the childcare benefits scandal as much as possible. The Municipal Ombudsman, as an independent party, was asked to support this effort. For this purpose, the Municipal Ombudsman set up  the 'Hulpteam Toeslagen 010'. Since the start in January 2021, approximately 500 victims had reported themselves through this help team. The municipal Ombudsman had expected this to be more.

Of course it may be possible that all the victims are already sufficiently known by the municipality of Rotterdam. After all, based on data from the municipal Tax Administration, the municipality had directly approached several thousand potentially victimized people. Still, it was suspected that many people had not yet reported themselves.

Hence, it was decided to have an end-of-year offensive in 2021. By creating maximum visibility, an attempt was made to reach out to anyone who has not yet come forward but may need help. To this end, TransCity and Dreamers Inc. developed a campaign that consisted of the following:

  • Four weeks of radio spots on FunX Rotterdam, Amor FM and Radio Stanvaste.
  • Two weeks out of home advertising (tram shelters and billboards) in super diverse city neighborhoods.
  • Social media campaigns on Meta (Facebook/Instagram) and YouTube.
  • Advertorial in the AD Rotterdam online news platform.
  • Banner, video and editorial on the Turkish language website Sonhaber.
  • Dutch, Turkish, English and Spanish language flyers and posters distributed through stores and markets.  
  • Three free walk-in Saturdays for free advice in a venue in South Rotterdam.

Want to learn more?

Call us on +31 10 843 08 40.

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